Original Cataloging for Cartographic Resources

Based on the PCC BIBCO Standard Record (BSR) RDA Metadata Application Profile for Cartographic Resources


Atlas—Collection of maps intended to be used like a book and shelves together that can be bound or loose-leaf, flat or folded, in cases, boxes, portfolios, of folders. (Cartographic Materials, p. 185)

Single map sheet—Single maps can be printed on two or more sheets (usually fewer than 12), are published together, have incomplete borders, and have the main title and legend on only one of the sheets (Map Cataloging Manual, rule 7.2)

Maps set/series—Collections of maps with common unifying features, often similar sized, with the same scale and relief/symbols. They may form a single map when assembled, often will have a collective and individual sheet designations. A distinguishing feature from single maps is that maps set/series are intended to be used individually as well as together. (Map Cataloging Manual, rules 7.2-7.4)

Serials—Map serials are infrequent but when they do occur they look very much like regular serials with serial title constant from issue and a numbering system which includes issue number and date of issue. (Cartographic Materials, p. 177)

Revision of single map - the only differing bibliographic information from each manifestation may be edition and date of publication, place of publication, and publisher. The other data may be the same of may differ from edition to edition 

Fixed Field

Fixed Field Values [by default]
Rec_Type: Bib_Lvl: Enc_Lvl: [blank] Desc: TypeCtrl: [blank]
Entrd: 000000 Dat_Tp: s Date1: ____ Date2: ____ Ctry: ___
Lang: eng Mod-Rec: [blank] Source: d Relief: ____ Base: XX
Prim_Mer: XX Rec_Grp: a GovtPub: [blank] Indx: 0 Spec_Fmt: [blank]

Rec_Type: Type of record (LDR/06)—Mandatory. Code "e" for printed cartographic material and "f" for manuscript cartographic material.

Bib_Lvl: Bibliographic level(LDR/07)—Mandatory. Code "m" for Monographic item and "s" for serial item

Enc_Lvl: Encoding Level (LDR/17)—Mandatory. Code "[blank]"

Desc: Descriptive Cataloging form (LDR/18)—Mandatory. Code "i" per RDA  requirement

Dat_Tp: Type of Date (008/06)—Mandatory. The default is "s" for single date, but change it when necessary

Date1: and Date2: Date of publication (008/07-10 and 11-14)—Mandatory. Corresponding to 264 ‡c . Use "u" for uncertain digits; for example 200u

Ctry: Place of Publication, production, or execution (008/15-17)—Mandatory. Corresponding to 264 ‡a.

Lang: Language code (008/35-37)—Mandatory.

Mod_Rec: Modified Record (008/38) 

Source: Cataloging Source (008/39)—Mandatory. Code "d" or "c" (corresponding to 042 pcc) 

Relief: Relief (008/18-21)—Required if applicable

Rec_Grp: Type of Cartographic Material (008/25)—Required

GovtPub: Government Publication (008/28)—Required if applicable

Indx: Index (008/31)—Require if applicable

Spec_Fmt: Special Format (008/33-34)—Required if applicable

Variable Fields

020 ISBN—Required if applicable; record if presents on the resource.

034 Coded Cartographic Mathematical Data 

  • The 034 field and the 255 field must be in agreement.
  • Subfield ‡a is mandatory for all type cartographic resources
  • Record scale values in Subfield ‡b, record without commas e.g., ‡b 25000 NOT ‡b 25,000.
  • Record coordinates values in Subfields: ‡d [westernmost longitude], ‡e [easternmost longitude], ‡f [northernmost latitude], ‡g [southernmost latitude]
  • YUL Local Policies preferable record coordinate values record in Decimal form over Degree, Minutes, Second form. Use Degree/Minutes/Seconds to/from Decimal Latitude/Longitude Conversions Calculator to determine or convert coordinate values. 
  • If coordinate statement is not provided within the resource, derive information from any source (RDA Use BoundingBox to determine the coordinate values. 


Scale value and coordinate value are on the resource.

034 1   ‡a a ‡b 126720 ‡d -103.000000 ‡e -102.000000 ‡f 045.000000 ‡g 053.500000 
255     ‡a Scale 1:126,720 ‡c (W 103°00ʹ--W 102°00ʹ/N 54°00ʹ--N 53°30ʹ).

Scale value is not on the resource; coordinate values are or are not on the source.

034 0   ‡a a ‡d -103.000000 ‡e -102.000000 ‡f 045.000000 ‡g 053.500000 
255     ‡a Scale not given  ‡c (W 103°00ʹ--W 102°00ʹ/N 54°00ʹ--N 53°30ʹ).

*** For more examples of recording Geographic Mathematical Data, refer to 255 field section.

040 Cataloging Source—Mandatory.

Example: for YUL Original Cataloging

040     ‡a CtY ‡b eng ‡e rda ‡c CtY

041 Language Code -- Required if applicable. Always use in the presence of a 546 Language Note Field. Do not use 041/546 if the resource is in a single language and that language is coded in the 008 field. Use Cataloging Calculator to determine appropriate language code.


041 0   ‡a fre ‡a eng
546     ‡a In French and English.

042 Authentication Code—Code "pcc" if the resource description meets all PCC standards and/or which authority records exist for all access points.

043 Geographic Area Code—Mandatory. Use Cataloging Calculator to determine appropriate geographic area codes.

050 Library of Congress Call Number—Required per YUL Local Policy. 

052 Geographic Classification—Required per YUL Local Policy.

1XX Main Entry—Mandatory if applicable.

  • Main entry is based less on prominence and more on who did what.
  • The cartographer has to be more than just the mechanical drawer or tracer to get the main entry.
  • Determining whether or not a corporate body can be considered a creator of a resource, consult RDA 19.2.1, "cartographic works originating with a corporate body other than a body that is merely responsible for their publication or distribution"
  • If the resource has more than one creator, record the first-named creator in the appropriate 1XX field, the other contributor's names can be recorded in the added entry fields (7xx).
  • If the resource names no creator, omit the 1XX field.
  • If there is no 1XX and there is an editor, compiler, etc., record the name in field 7XX.
  • Treat cartographic firms (such as Hammond or Rand McNally), which are responsible for the creation of the maps they produce, as main entry, unless a cartographer is named specifically on the map (e.g., as with many National Geographic maps). In the latter situation, record the cartographer as main entry (100 1_), and include an added entry for the firm (710 field).
  • Add appropriate relationship designators for the main entry:
Creators Contributors 
cartographer cartographer (expression)
compiler platemaker
creator surveyor
issuing body engraver
sponsoring body lithography


100 1   ‡a Raisz, Erwin, ‡d 1893-1968, ‡e cartographer.
110 2   ‡a Geological Survey (U.S.), ‡e cartographer, ‡e lithographer.
110 2   ‡a O.H. Baikey & Co., ‡e creator.

If more than one creator, only the creator having principal responsibility named first in resources embodying the work or in reference sources is required; if principal responsibility is not indicated, only the first-named creator is required.

After satisfying the RDA core requirement, catalogers may provide additional authorized access points for other creators or contributors according to cataloger’s judgment.

240 Uniform Title—Use of this field is unusual with cartographic resource.

245 Title Statement—Mandatory. 

  • The chief source of information is the resource itself.
  • If the title source is not complete on one source, treat the sources as if they were as single source.
  • If there is no collective title for different works, treat the chief source of information for the different works as if they were a single source.
  • If no subtitle is present, supply one to indicate geographic area or topic covered by the resource, using 245 ‡b enclosed with the square bracket, when the title proper is needed of clarification (RDA
  • If the title proper is not taken from the resource, record the title enclosed in the square bracket. Give the source of title in a 500 note field.
  • If the title proper includes a statement of sale, include the statement in the transcription.
  • If the chief source bears more than one title, choose the one that is in the language or script choose the title based on the sequence or layout
  • If the resource lacks a title, derive a brief descriptive title and included the name of the area covered enclosed in the square bracket. Give the 500 field note "Title derive by cataloger." 

Follow RDA Transcription instructions (1.7.1, 2.3 ...)

245 ‡a Title Proper 

  • Transcribe title proper in the form as found on resource including punctuations.
245 1 0 ‡a Atlas du Nord de la France ...
  • If supply title proper, enclose in brackets
245 0 0 ‡a [Map of Vietnam].
500     ‡a Title derived by cataloger.

245 ‡b Other Title Informatio—Record if the information appears on the same source of information as the title proper. Consult RDA for special guideline for other title information for cartographic resources.

245 ‡c Statement of Responsibility—Transcribe statement of responsibility in the form as appear on the source. the cartographic materials may be the work of one person or a group of people working for a publishing agency or commercial company.

245 1 0 ‡a Atlas du Nord de la France / ‡c Institut de géographie, Université de Lille.or

If there more than 1 name (person or corporate bodie name) is in the primary statement transcribe all persons or corporate bodies named. Or use RDA option: name of 1st author [and <x> others]

245 1 0 ‡a Atlas of India / ‡c cartographer, Alpa Pandya, Kaushik Pandya, Dr. R.P. Arya, Jitender Arya, Dr. Gayathri Arya, Anshuman Arya.


245 1 0 ‡a Atlas of India / ‡c cartographer, Alpa Pandya [and five others].

246 (Varying form of title)—Record a varying form of the title in field 246 according to one of the following patterns as appropriate

246 3   ‡a Alternate form of word, etc. in title in field 245

Do not end the field with punctuation, unless it belongs to the final word (abbreviation, etc.). Create field 246 in the following situations only.


If the title recorded in field 245 ‡a is in English and contains an ampersand (&), create a 246 field with the word "and" in place of the ampersand, using indicators as shown

Title: Cadiz & environs

245 1 0 ‡a Cadiz & environs.
246 3   ‡a Cadiz and environs

If the title begins with a cardinal or ordinal numeral, create a 246 field with the number represented as a word (in the language of the title), using indicators as shown:

Title: 2 cartes linguistiques du Congo belge

245 1 0 ‡a 2 cartes linguistiques du Congo belge.
246 3   ‡a Deux cartes linguistiques du Congo belge

If the title recorded in field 245 ‡a has an obvious typographical error, create a 246 field with the corrected text, using indicators as shown. Do not add a 246 field to correct archaisms or vernacular/alternate spellings, e.g., "Map of the Spice Islands," "Brussel" (for Brussels).

On map: Munincipal map of Barstow

245 1 0 ‡a Munincipal map of Barstow.
246 1   ‡i Corrected title: ‡a Municipal map of Barstow

If the panel title or cover title is more comprehensive in its description of the geographical coverage of the source than the title on the source itself (see above section), transcribe it in the 245 field, and transcribe the title on the source in a 246 3_ field. A 500 general note indicating the source of the title given in the 245 field (e.g., "Panel title" or "Cover title") is not required, but is a helpful addition to the record.

245 1 0 ‡a Metropolitan Lhasa, showing tramways.
246 3   ‡a Map of Lhasa
500     ‡a Cover title.

250 Edition Statement—This field is mandatory if applicable. Transcribe edition statement in field 250 in the form as appear on the source. Always end the field with a period. Do not imply an edition statement from external sources, but record pertinent information in a note.


On source: Fifth edition

250     ‡a Fifth edition.

On source: Revised 2nd ed.

250     ‡a Revised 2nd ed.

On source: 2. Auflage

250     ‡a 2. Auflage.

On source: 1 édition

250     ‡a 1. édition.

On source: 1 opplag

250     ‡a 1. opplag.

255 Mathematical Data—This field is mandatory in all records. Data recorded in 255 and should correspond to 034.

Record Scale Statements in 255 ‡a. (RDA 7.25)

  • Must provides scale as a Representative Fraction (RF) from, e.g. 1:100,000. 
  • Do not use square brackets when scale is calculated from "verbal scale", e.g. 1 in. equals 4 miles.
  • When scale is calculated from "bar graph". The term "approximately" should be used in spell out form. Do not use "ca."
  • Supply the word "Scale" to begin the scale statement as a "best practice". RDA only instructed, "record the scale of the resource as a representative fraction expressed as a ratio."

Record Projection Statements in 255 ‡b. (RDA 7.26)

  • Projection is a recorded statement and it should be spelled out when used.
  • Use space-semicolin-space (_;_) to separate scale statement and projection statement

Record Coordinates Statements in 255 ‡c. (RDA 7.4)

  • Provide coordinates in the record even if it is not readily available on the resource. 
  • Record the coordinates for longitude and latitude as sexagesimal. Use the ALA Character Set: Degrees (º, degree, symbol), Minutes (', Miagkii znak), and Second ('', Tverdyi znak)
  • Record one a pair of longitude coordinates and follow by a pair of latitude coordinates. Separate each pair with a slash and separate the west coordinates and the east coordinate with a hyphen.
  • Enclose the statement of coordinates and equinox in one pair of parentheses.


034 1   ‡a a ‡b 126720 ‡d -103.000000 ‡e -102.000000 ‡f 045.000000 ‡g 053.500000 
255     ‡a Scale 1:126,720 ; ‡b Universal Transverse Mercator projection ‡c (W 103.000000--W 102.000000/N 045.000000--N 053.500000).

If the coordinate values determine by Bounding Box Tool, add 2 bound after ‡g

034 1   ‡a a ‡b 126720 ‡d -103.000000 ‡e -102.000000 ‡f 045.000000 ‡g 053.500000 ‡2 bound
255     ‡a Scale 1:126,720 ; ‡b Universal Transverse Mercator projection ‡c (W 103.000000--W 102.000000/N 045.000000--N 053.500000).

If the resource has a verbal scale, e.g., "1 inch to 4 miles". NOTE: abbreviated "inch" or "inches" is allowed in Appendix B at Table B.7); No square bracket.

034 1   ‡a a ‡b 253440 ‡d -103.000000 ‡e -102.000000 ‡f 045.000000 ‡g 053.500000 
255     ‡a Scale 1:253,440. 1 in. to 4 miles ‡b Universal Transverse Mercator projection, central meridian ‡c (W 103.000000 --W 102.000000/N 045.000000--N 053.500000).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

If the resource has bar/graphic scale

034 1   ‡a a ‡b 126720 ‡d -103.000000 ‡e -102.000000 ‡f 045.000000 ‡g 053.500000 
255     ‡a Scale approximately 1:126,720 ‡b Universal Transverse Mercator projection ‡c (W 103.000000--W 102.000000/N 045.000000--N 053.500000).

If no scale statement is found on the resource 

034 0   ‡a a ‡d -103.000000 ‡e -102.000000 ‡f 045.000000 ‡g 053.500000 
255     ‡a Scale not given ‡c(W 103.000000--W 102.000000/N 045.000000--N 053.500000).

If the resource is not drawn to scale

034 0   ‡a a ‡d -103.000000 ‡e -102.000000 ‡f 045.000000 ‡g 053.500000 
255     ‡a Not drawn to scale ‡c (W 103.000000--W 102.000000/N 045.000000--N 053.500000).

If the resource consists of two or more main maps (on a single map, on individual sheets), are of more than one scale

034 0   ‡a a 
255     ‡a Scales differ.
300     ‡a 3 maps in one sheet ‡b both side, color ;​ ‡c 28 x 60 cm

Alternative to "Scale differ" is to record each scale separately (Cataloger's judgment)

034 1   ‡a a ‡b 35000
034 1   ‡a a ‡b 28500
034 1   ‡a a ‡b 130000
255     ‡a Scale 1:35,000
255     ‡a Scale 1:28,500
255     ‡a Scale 1:130,000
300     ‡a 3 maps in one sheet both side ‡c color ;​ ‡c 28 x 60 cm

If the values of scale varying and changing within the single main map are known

034 1   ‡a a ‡b 15000-25000 ‡d -103.000000 ‡e -102.000000 ‡f 045.000000 ‡g 053.500000 
255     ‡a Scale 1:15,000-1:25,000 ‡c (W 103.000000--W 102.000000/N 045.000000--N 053.500000).

If the values of scale varying and changing within the single main map are not known.

034 0   ‡a a 
255     ‡a Scale varies

264 Publication Statement—This field is mandatory in all records. 

New MARC field for production, publication, distribution, printing, and copyright date.

  • Production (unpublished material only; manuscript map): 264_0
  • Publication: 264_1 (always made)
  • Distribution: 264_2 (special circumstances)
  • Manufacturer (printing, etc.): 264_3
  • Copyright date: 264_4

If square brackets are used, each subfield is bracketed individually.

If there is more than one place of publication, record the first-named only. 

End the field with a period, unless there is already final punctuation (e.g., a bracket).

If there is no place of publication stated, use [Place of publication not identified]. YUL encourage to supply the place of publication if possible, even if just the country level. 

264   1 ‡a [Place of publication not identified] : ‡b Pneu Michelin, ‡c 2001.


264   1 ‡a [France] : ‡b Pneu Michelin, ‡c 2001.

If there is no publisher named, use [publisher not identified]. 

264   1 ‡a Paris : ‡b [publisher not identified], ‡c 2001.

If there is no publication date, use [date of publication not identified]. Or supply a probable date whenever possible.

264   1 ‡a Paris : ‡b Pneu Michelin, ‡c [2001]

If there is no publication date, record the latest copyright in ‡c and enclose the date in bracket then create 2nd 264 field to record the copyright date.   

264   1 ‡a Paris : ‡b Pneu Michelin, ‡c [2001]
264   4 ‡c ©2001.

If supply the date of publication, enclose the date in brackets.

Actual year known

264   1 ...  ‡c [2001]

Either one of the two consecutive years

264   1 ... ‡c [2009 or 2010]

Probable year

264   1 ... ‡c [2010?]

Probable range of years (between ... and ...?)

264   1 ... ‡c [between 2009 and 2010?]

Earlier and/or latest possible date known (not before ; not after)

264   1 ... ‡c [not before 2009]
264   1 ... ‡c [not after 2010]

When only distributor but not publisher is given

YUL strongly encourages the cataloger not to use:

264   1 ‡a [Place of publication not identified] : ‡b [publisher not identified] , ‡c [date of publication not identified]

300 Physical Description—This field is mandatory in all records. 

Spell out "color" and "illustrations" however, "cm" is a metric symbol, not an abbreviation.

Give the extent of the item in ‡a, e.g. 

300     ‡a 1 map ...
300     ‡a 1 atlas (iv, 445 page) ...
300     ‡a 2 map on 1 sheet ...
300     ‡a 1 map on 4 sheets

Give other physical details in ‡b, e.g. 

300     ‡a 1 map : ‡b color ...

Give Dimension (height x width) or the map itself, measure within the neat lines where the geographic area is displayed, NOT the size of the sheet. Record the size of the sheet if it is substantially different than the size f the map.

300     ‡a 1 map : ‡b color ; ‡c 65 x 45 cm 
300     ‡a 1 map : ‡b color ; ‡c 35 x 40 cm, on sheet 37 x 40 cm 
300     ‡a 1 map : ‡b color ; ‡c 68 x 94 cm, folded to 26 x 15 cm
300     ‡a 1 map : ‡b color ; ‡c 36 x 462 cm, on sheet 47 x 43 cm, folded to 24 x 11 cm 

336 Content Type—This is mandatory in all records. The source code for this list in field 336 ‡2 (Source) is rdacontent.

RDA content term ‡a MARC codes for RDA terms ‡b MARC bibliographic Leader/06 code(s)
cartographic dataset crd e or f
cartographic image cri e or f
cartographic moving image crm e or f
cartographic tactile image crt e or f
cartographic tactile three dimensional form cm e or f
cartographic three dimensional form crf e or f

337 media Type—This is mandatory in all records. The source code for this list in field 338 ‡2 (Source) is rdacarrier.

RDA media term ‡a MARC codes for RDA terms ‡b MARC bibliographic Leader/00 code(s)
computer c c-electronic resource
microform h h-microform
unmediated n t-text

338 Carrier Type—This is mandatory in all records. The source code for this list in field 336 ‡2 (Source) is rdacontent.

RDA media term ‡a MARC codes for RDA terms ‡b MARC unmediated carrier codes
card no no code
flipchart nn no code
roll na no code
sheet nb no code
volume nc no code
object nr r-bibliographic leader/06
other unmediated carrier nz no code

Examples for 336, 337, 338 

Sheet Map

336     ‡a cartographic image ‡b cri ‡2 rdacontent  
337     ‡a unmediated ‡b n ‡2 rdamedia  
338     ‡a sheet ‡b nb ‡2 rdacarrier


336     ‡a cartographic image ‡b cri ‡2 rdacontent  
337     ‡a unmediated ‡b n ‡2 rdamedia  
338     ‡a volume ‡b nc ‡2 rdacarrier  


336     ‡a cartographic three-dimensional form ‡b crf ‡2 rdacontent  
337     ‡a unmediated ‡b n ‡2 rdamedia  
338     ‡a object ‡b nb ‡2 rdacarrier

GIS dataset

336     ‡a cartographic dataset ‡b crd ‡2 rdacontent  
337     ‡a computer ‡b n ‡2 media  
338     ‡a online resource ‡b nb ‡2 rdacarrier

4XX/8XX—490 is used to transcribe the series as it appears on the item; the 8xx field is used for the established form of the series, the series added entry. 

Transcribe the series statement (title proper and numbering) as they appear on the source of information in 490 field, first indicator "0".

Capitalize only the first letter of the series and the first letter of proper names.

500 Notes—Mandatory when applicable

Scope of item: describe the nature or scope of the item unless it is apparent from the title and other descriptive information, or for clarification if other information is incomplete, incorrect or misleading. Record the presence of statistical data, charts, tables, indexes. For rare maps, also record the presence of topographical views (scenes or buildings), portraits, directories, ships, sea monsters, compass or wind roses, and decorated cartouches and bar scales.

Example (Title: The new British colonies in America)        

500     ‡a Shows North America from Newfoundland to Mexico.
500     ‡a Shows California as an island.
500     ‡a Includes illustrations of ships, sea monsters, and a tableau of Neptune surrounded by sea creatures.

Date of situation: record if date of information differs from the date of publication or is otherwise unclear from the description.

Example (Title: The war in the east)            

500     ‡a Shows the main battles of 1943-44.

Relief: record all forms of the depiction of relief to match coding in the 008 field.

Example (008 positions 18-21 coded as ag##)            

500     ‡a Relief shown by contours and spot heights.

System requirements and mode of access for electronic materials: see CM 7B1 for instruction.

Title proper: make notes on the source of the title proper if other than the chief source of information, and on variations in title.


500     ‡a Cover title.
500     ‡a Title supplied by cataloger.
500     ‡a Spine title: Rocque’s map of Shropshire.

Dedication: record in a note a dedication not recorded elsewhere. Record the full dedication unless it is excessively long.

500     ‡a Dedication: To his most serene Majesty George III this map of the British colonies is dedicated by his most humble servant.

Statement of responsibility: For rare maps, make notes for all names of responsible parties which are not recorded elsewhere. Make 7XX added entries for these names whenever possible.


500     ‡a Engraved by T.J. Newman.
500     ‡a “Ch. Smith sculp.”

Edition and history: Give brief notes on other editions and publication history when the information is readily available. For rare maps, include the source of this information if available. For series mapping, if sheets are of different editions, record that fact here. For maps originally appearing in atlases or other bound volumes, if it is certain the map in hand was removed from a volume, record the title of the volume here following the work “From:” If it is uncertain that the item in hand was removed from the volume, record the title of the volume here following the phrase “Appears in:”


500     ‡a Includes sheets of various eds.
500     ‡a Reprint. Originally published in 1879.
500     ‡a A variant of the 1642 ed. according to Koeman.
500     ‡a Appears in: Las islas del mundo (1756).

Mathematical information: record any unusual aspects of the scale, coordinates and meridian. Always record a non-Greenwich meridian if given on the item. Optionally, for rare maps, record the units of measure of the bar scales.


500     ‡a Prime meridian: Ferro.
500     ‡a Bar scales in toises and millaria Germanica.

Publication: record the source of the publisher, place of publication and date if not present on the chief source of information.


500     ‡a Date from Koeman.

Physical description: record important details which are not recorded elsewhere, especially if these effect use of the item or highlight conservation issues. Record in a 500 only those details which can reasonably be assumed to relate to how the item was published. For details which appear to relate only to the copy in hand, record the information in a 590 local note.


500     ‡a Dissected and mounted on linen with title panel on front when folded.
500     ‡a Mounted on wooden rollers.

Accompanying material: record information about any accompanying material.


500     ‡a Includes separate explanatory text.
500     ‡a Each sheet accompanied by a sheet of geological sections.

Numbers: Record any numbers on the item if not recorded elsewhere.


500     ‡a Plate 45.

510 Citation/References Notes—This field is mandatory when it has not been possible to identify an item sufficiently to provide a full level record without consultation with a reference source.

When consultation of a reference source is required to identify a map or in order to provide sufficient information for a full record (for instance, if the reference provides the cartographer’s name when it does not appear on the map), the reference should be listed here. There are standard citation forms included in CM Appendix G, or use author and title, and include location in source. This field can include reference to Internet citations as well, citing the url. This field can be repeated if multiple sources were needed to complete the record; however, general practice is to cite only one source. If a full record can be reasonably completed without use of external references, a 510 is not necessary, as the 510 is not meant to replace standard reference work.

534 Original Version Note—This field is mandatory if the item being described is a reprint or is published with the intention of being a new item, when information about the original version is readily available. The reproduction is described in the body of the record, with details relevant to the original given in field 534.

590 Local Note—Use to record information specific to the copy in hand but not the item in general, for example, physical damage and manuscript annotations. However, when cataloging a manuscript item, all notes are copy specific because the item is unique; therefore, all notes in a record for a manuscript item should be in 500 etc as appropriate. Always begin the 590 note with an identification of the Yale holding library and the item’s call number; for example, items in the SML Map Collection, begin the 590 note with “SML” and the call number of the item being described. <need example>

590     ‡a SMLMAP 11hc 1918-Z8: Imperfect. Mutilated. 
590     ‡a SMLMAP Series 892 1960: Imperfect: some sheets wanting. Editions and issuing bodies vary. 

6XX Subjects Access—This field is mandatory in all records. All records should have at least one subject access field. For maps this must include at least a 651 with the geographic area represented on the map recorded in the $a, or a 650 with the geographic area as a $z qualifier as appropriate.

Use Library of Congress Subject headings and LC Authorities for geographic names.

For places that have changed names, the current name is used in subject headings regardless of the date of formation of the material being cataloged, unless there are specific instructions to the contrary.

Maps which are geographical in nature will be represented by 651 heading(s), and this is more often than not the case with antiquarian materials. Every map of an identifiable place must have a subject heading for the area. Maps of places that cannot be identified receive no geographic subject headings.

The more common subfields include:

‡v Maps

‡ v Maps ‡v Early works to 1800

‡v Facsimiles

Some examples of complete 651s:

651   0 ‡a Tuscany (Italy) ‡x History ‡v Maps.
651   0 ‡a North America ‡x Maps ‡v Early works to 1800.
651   0 ‡a Union County (N.J.) ‡v Maps, Manuscript ‡v Early works to 1800.
651   0 ‡a China ‡x Administrative and political divisions ‡v Maps, Manuscript ‡v Early works to 1800.
651   0 ‡a France ‡v Maps, Pictorial ‡v Early works to 1800.
651   0 ‡a Harford County (Md.) ‡v Maps.
651   0 ‡a New Jersey ‡x Boundaries ‡z New York (State) ‡v Maps, Manuscript ‡v Early works to 1800.
651   0 ‡a United States ‡x History ‡y Revolution, 1775-1783 ‡v Maps.

 There are subjects which are often depicted on maps for which a 650 would be appropriate, and a few anomalies as well. Some examples:

650   0 ‡a Views ‡x Facsimiles.
650   0 ‡a Cartography ‡z England ‡z London ‡x History.
650   0 ‡a Real property $z Maryland $z Hartford County $x Maps.
650   0 ‡a Brandozzi, Gianni $x Map collections $v Exhibitions.
650   0 ‡a Fortification ‡z Massachusetts ‡z Boston ‡x Maps ‡v Early works to 1800.

Subject headings for all maps published or created before 1800 must include the subfield $v Early works to 1800.

655 Form/genre headings

This field is mandatory for cartographic materials. Assign a form/genre heading according Library of Congress Genre/Form Headings (LCGFT)

Atlases (Geographic)

655   7 ‡a Atlases ‡2 lcgft

Digital images

655   7 ‡a Digital images ‡2 lcgft
655   7 ‡a Digital images  ‡2 lcgft

Fire insurance maps

655   7 ‡a Fire insurance maps  ‡2 lcgft

Manuscript maps

655   7 ‡a Manuscript maps ‡2 lcgft


655   7 ‡a Maps ‡2 lcgft

Nautical charts

655   7 ‡a Nautical charts ‡2 lcgft

Portolan charts

655   7 ‡a Portolan charts ‡2 lcgft

Topographic maps

655   7 ‡a Topographic maps ‡2 lcgft


655   7 ‡a Views ‡2 lcgft


7XX Added Entries

 Comments to: Tachtorn Meier

Last modified: 
Monday, February 6, 2023 - 4:30pm