This manual provides information on cataloging collections of both published and unpublished visual materials in the Yale Libraries using guidelines from Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (Graphics) Appendix B and the guidelines for graphic materials outlined in PCC RDA BIBCO Standard Record (BSR) Metadata Application Profile. Alternatively, you may use DACS; refer to your local department manual for archival processing.
This manual is maintained by the Yale Archival and Manuscript Description Committee. Please direct comments to Alison Clemens (chair).
Appendix B1. Introduction
This appendix offers guidance in the creation of collective bibliographic descriptions for groups of graphic materials that were not originally conceived of or published as a finite set, whether assembled prior to acquisition or assembled by the repository into a unit for cataloging purposes. These groups may be based on provenance, administrative decisions, or curatorial decisions. The individual items may be published or unpublished. A group may be as small as two items, or so large that it is measured by number of containers rather than items. The only substantial differences between group records and item or multipart resource records are the treatment of the MARC fixed fields, greater flexibility in the statement of extent, and the option not to provide dimensions.
Refer to the documentation for cataloging Single Item and Multi-part Resources for basic cataloging instructions, consulting this manual for fields used only for cataloging at the collection-level.