Use Request recall or delivery to:
- Recall items that are checked out or have the status In Process (including UNCAT call numbers)
- Request items for delivery to another library
- Page an item at libraries with paging services
- Retrieve an item from the Library Shelving Facility (LSF)
- Request that Library staff search for an item that is not on the shelf
To request an item:
Find the detailed record for the title that you want to request and note the "Status"
(e.g. Checked Out or Not Checked Out, needed for Step 4)
Select the "Request recall or delivery" button
Log in
Select whichever type of request matches the "Status":
Select Recall items checked out for status of: Checked Out
In Process
Select Request staff search or delivery for status of: Checked In or Not Checked Out
On Order: select to be notified when a title On Order arrives
Request a search by library staff for items not found on the shelf
Select an item:
For multi-volume titles: - In Step 1, verify that the Library owns the needed volume in the "Library has:" portion of the Orbis catalog record
- Use the drop down list to select a volume number.
- If the needed volume is not listed, use the "Specify an issue" feature*.
- Fill in the required fields.
*Note: Use the drop down list for items at LSF to avoid delays in processing & delivery.
For single volume titles: - Use the drop down list to choose a copy.
- Skip "specify an issue."
Select pick up location
Re-enter your Yale library login information, if requested
Click "Submit"
For both types of requests, you will receive an e-mail notification or a notice through the mail informing you when your item is available for pick up. You can also look at My Account to check on the status of your request.