Using Facets


Quicksearch provides facets as a way to get to specific material. Understanding facets and how they work will help you get the most functionality out of Quicksearch. Facets are categories of results and are listed under Refine on the left side of results. Individual facet values are the metadata in records. 

Books+ Facet Categories

  • Format (books, journals, microforms, etc.)
  • Publication Date
  • Author
  • Acquisition Date: date the Yale Library purchased material.
  • Location: Physical location of the item within the Yale Library system, or Online for digital material.
  • Language
  • Subject: metadata for the topic covered by the material.
  • Subject (Region): metadata for the area of the world covered in the material.
  • Subject (Era): metadata for the time period covered in the material.
  • Subject (Genre): category of artistic form or content. Examples are biographies, handbooks, fiction, etc.
  • Call Number: the code representing the physical location of the item. Only Library of Congress call numbers are included. 

Hint: When you expand a facet (click on the +) only the top 5 most common results will display. To see all facet values select See more at the bottom of the list. 

Combine Facets

You may choose one or multiple facets by clicking on a value. When you select multiple values within a category, the search is very restrictive (an AND). After selecting more than one facet value within format, for example, you will see that those values are listed at the top of the search with the term All Of displayed before them. The image below shows a search for Human Rights limited to both of the facet values Books and Online.

 Combining Facets in Quicksearch Using All Of

That search shows 7802 results. You can make the set bigger with all the books plus all the online material by changing All Of to Any Of, which produces 37,707 results.

Combining Facets in Quicksearch Using Any Of