Problems with your request

Common reasons why your request could not be processed:




Course reserve:

not eligible for request or delivery

visit the listed library location

Item status is "checked out":

wrong type of request was submitted

go back and change request type to Recall items checked out instead of Request staff search or delivery

Status "In Process":

item is checked out to a library department

Use Request recall or delivery, choose Recall items checked out option


either the title or selected edition cannot be requested

either request a circulating edition


visit the location (i.e. Beinecke)

Arts Library Collection:

not available for request

visit Haas Arts Library

Bass Library YCC DVD Collection:

not available for request

visit Bass Library

Bass Library Travel Collection:

travel books do not circulate

visit Bass Library

Block on your library account:

overdue recalled items, maximum fine amounts and other reasons will block you from using the library

See My Account for block reason and contact the Privileges Office or a circulation desk at one of the libraries for assistance.

Already checked out to you or on hold for you:

cannot be requested

View in My Account. Please check your home and/or office area for this book.

Already recalled by you:

the reader has been notified of the recall and there are no additional actions we can take for this item at the present time. You will be notified as soon as the book becomes available

Try alternatives such as Borrow Direct or ILL

Film Study Center:

item is housed at the Film Study Center at 53 Wall St. in the Whitney Humanities Center, and is not available for request

consult the Film Studies web site at for information about hours and loan policies

Available Actions:

  • If you would like to review or modify your request, use your browser's back button to return to the item information.
  • To continue your request for missing or lost materials, or for any other materials, click on the Request form link (on the page with the message "Your request could not be processed"), enter the appropriate information and Submit. Your request will be queued for manual support.
  • For more information about requests, please visit How to request recall or delivery and Requests FAQ.