Use Advanced Search to perform more complex searches in Orbis, such as restricting a search to a particular field in the catalog record, or limiting to a particular library on campus. You may also combine these elements in searches.
To perform an advanced search:
- Type in the search term(s) you want to find in the Search box. (Punctuation, case, and word order are ignored except for as a phrase searches.)
- Select "any of these", "all of these", or "as a phrase" from the drop-down list to identify how multiple words entered in the search are to be combined.
- Select a different index from the next drop-down list (title, author, etc) to narrow or widen the scope of your search. Keyword Anywhere searches are the broadest.
- You may continue adding to your search by selecting a Boolean operator (AND, OR, or NOT) and adding more terms in the 2 additional search boxes provided.
- Searches may also be limited using the Advanced Search limits listed below.
Advanced Search Limits
To fine tune search results, select search limit options from the drop down list in each section or by entering a date range.
Year: Select from Current Material, Last 5 Years, or Last 10 Years
or enter
From--To: Enter one year or range of years in [YYYY] format (e.g. From: 1968 To: (blank) will search 1968-present)
Location: List of libraries and collections within Yale University Library
Place: List of countries or states within the United States
Type: Category of item (e.g. book, serial, music score, printed map)
Medium: Physical format(e.g. video, electronic resource, microform, sound recording)
Language: List of languages found in the catalog, most commonly selected on top
Records per page: Select from 10, 20, 25, or 50 records as the maximum number of results to display on each page of search results