Library Information Technology

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Emergency Block

Activate Emergency Block

  1. Login at
  2. Click on "Structure"
  3. Click on "Blocks"
  4. The Emergency Block should be under "Disabled".  Click on "configure" for the Emergency Block
  5. Update the text in the block body with the latest message
  6. Click on "Save block" at the bottom of the page
  7. Find View: Random Banner under Header Second.  Change its region to "- None -"
  8. Find the Emergency Block under "Disabled".  Change its region to "Header Second"
  9. Click "Save Blocks" at the bottom of the page

Turn Off Emergency Block

  1. Login at
  2. Click on "Structure"
  3. Click on "Blocks"
  4. The Emergency Block should be under "Header Second".  Change the Region for the Emergency Block to "- None -"
  5. Find the View: Random Banner under "Disabled".  Change its Region to "Header Second"
  6. Click "Save Blocks" at the Bottom of the page