Emergency Block
Activate Emergency Block
- Login at http://services.library.yale.edu/cas
- Click on "Structure"
- Click on "Blocks"
- The Emergency Block should be under "Disabled". Click on "configure" for the Emergency Block
- Update the text in the block body with the latest message
- Click on "Save block" at the bottom of the page
- Find View: Random Banner under Header Second. Change its region to "- None -"
- Find the Emergency Block under "Disabled". Change its region to "Header Second"
- Click "Save Blocks" at the bottom of the page
Turn Off Emergency Block
- Login at http://services.library.yale.edu/cas
- Click on "Structure"
- Click on "Blocks"
- The Emergency Block should be under "Header Second". Change the Region for the Emergency Block to "- None -"
- Find the View: Random Banner under "Disabled". Change its Region to "Header Second"
- Click "Save Blocks" at the Bottom of the page