Latourette Initiative David M. and Virginia W. Stowe Fund for Mission Research Kenneth Scott Latourette |
The Latourette Initiative is a proactive program to preserve and provide access to the documentation of world Christianity. It provides funding for the microfilming and digitization of published and archival resources documenting the history of Christian missions and the life of the churches in countries where missionaries served. The Initiative is named for Kenneth Scott Latourette (1884-1968), who was D. Willis James Professor of Missions and World Christianity at Yale Divinity School. Latourette was instrumental in changing the focus of the Day Missions Collection at Yale from a resource for training missionaries to a collection documenting the history of Christian missions. The endowment he established to further the work of the Yale Divinity Library provides the funding for the Latourette Initiative. Projects funded by the Latourette Initiative include: World Council of ChurchesWorld War II-era records of the World Council of Churches (distributed by Brill /IDC Publishers)
World Student Christian Federation Archives, held by the World Council of Churches (Brill)
Programme to Combat Racism (Brill)
Dialogue with People of Living Faiths (Brill)
Christian Medical Commission (Brill)
Relations with the Roman Catholic Church (Brill)
Correspondence of the General Secretaries (Brill)
General correspondence (Brill)
Centre for the Study of World Christianity, University of EdinburghRegions Beyond Missionary Union Archives (distributed by AM, formerly Adam Matthew)
Sudan United Mission (AM)
Missionary periodicals & Alexander Duff pamphlet collection (AM)
Melbourne School of Theology (Australia)Unevangelised Fields Mission (distributed by Pacific Manuscripts Bureau)
South Sea Evangelical Mission (PMB)
Evangelical Lutheran Church in AmericaELCA mission archives
Uganda Christian University: Church of the Province of Uganda Archives (Brill)Finding aids and link to digital files [Digital files available only on Yale campus] Gujarat United School of Theology: Gujarat Diocese Archives, Church of North India (Brill)Monograph collection [Digital files available only on Yale campus] Archival collection [Digital files available only on Yale campus] Documentation of Chinese ChristianityChinese Christian Literature Council Denominational periodicals from Hong Kong Holy Light Theological Seminary Archives of the Presbyterian Church of Cuba OnlineAvailable through BrillOnline Primary Sources Missionary Archives from Lesotho, 1832-2006Available through BrillOnline Primary Sources Microfilm produced by Latourette Initiative projects is available for Interlibrary Loan. Contact the Special Collections Librarian for more information. |