If no record is found in LC Authorities or OCLC, create a new record by using a serial bib template for preliminary serials.
If the Macro Express Pop-up menu for Acquisitions has been activated, press F12 and double-click on Change Template: Serial. Macro Express will open a copy of the serial template. Enter fixed & variable fields according to the guidelines in this section. CAUTION: The default for the Acquisitions Pop-up menu is No Activation. Consult with your expert user if you are unfamiliar with activating a pop-up menu.
If you are not using the Pop-up menu, you can also activate the Serial Template macro and run it using Alt-Shift-S. The macro default is No Activation. Consult with your expert user if you are unfamiliar with activating a macro.
Leader: Appropriately coded. Do not edit.
008 is partially coded:
Required 008 fields. Update 008 as follows. Otherwise, leave the fixed fields as is.
- Date 1 (yyyy) (record the earliest date of the issues in hand) and Date 2 (9999) (unknown ending date). If the date for the first issue is unknown or uncertain, use 200u or, for older material, 19uu.
- Place of publication Assign the appropriate code from the list. If place of publication cannot be determined enter [S.l.] in 260 and use xx for Place of Publication. TIP: The list is arranged by the name of the country/state, not the code. Type the first letter of the country/state (the selection should be blue) and use the down arrow to navigate.
- Type of Serial Use "p: Periodical" for periodicals published more frequently than annually. Use "_ : None of the following" for annuals, biennials, triennials, etc.
- Language Assign the appropriate code from the menu. TIP: The list is arranged by the name of the language, not the code. Type the first letter of the language (the selection should be blue) and use the down arrow to navigate, if necessary.