Art & Architecture Thesaurus: AAT is a structured vocabulary, including terms, descriptions, and other information for generic concepts related to art and architecture.
Cultural Objects Name Authority: CONA is a new vocabulary now accepting contributions, includes titles, attributions, and other information for art and architecture.
Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials Graphics (DCRMG)
Getty Vocabularies: See Art & Architecture Thesaurus; Cultural Objects Name Authority; Thesaurus of Geographic Names; or the Union List of Artist Name
GMGPC (i.e., Graphic materials genre and physicals characteristics from the Library of Congress): See Thesaurus for Graphic Materials
LCTGM (i.e., Library of Congress thesaurus for Graphic Materials): See Thesaurus for Graphic Materials
Library of Congress Authorities:
Select Name Authority Headings Library of Congress Name Authorities File (LCNAF);
Select Subject Authority Headings Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH).
Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN): TGN is a structured vocabulary, including names, descriptions, and other information for places important to art and architecture.
Thesaurus For Graphic Materials: The Thesaurus for Graphic Materials is a tool for indexing visual materials by subject and by genre/format. The thesaurus includes more than 7,000 subject terms (coded lctgm) and 650 genre/format terms (coded gmgpc) to index types of photographs, prints, design drawings, ephemera, and other pictures. In 2007, the subject and genre/format vocabularies, previously maintained separately, were merged into a single list.
Union List of Artists’ Names (ULAN): ULAN is a structured vocabulary, including names, biographies, and other information about artists and architects.
Virtual International Authority File (VIAF): A joint project with the Library of Congress, the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, and the Bibliothèque nationale de France, in cooperation with an expanding number of other national libraries and other agencies, VIAF explores virtually combining the name authority files of participating institutions into a single name authority service.
See also LIST OF WORKS CITED in DCRM(G), pp. 225-6.