Thursday, April 3, 9:30-11:00am
Center for Science & Social Science Stat Lab, 219 Prospect St., New Haven, CT 06511
Jason Lyall, Associate Professor, Dept. of Political ScienceDescription: Archives, Satellite Imagery, and Everything in Between: Reflections on Data Management in Political Science Jason Lyall, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Yale University Jason Lyall will discuss the collection, processing, analysis, and security of data used in his projects exploring violence and conflict in Afghanistan and Chechnya, and how, as an individual researcher, he uses archives and partnerships with others to advance research in his field.
This talk is part of the Day of Data Spring Discussion Series. Hosted by the Data & eScience Group, the series offers talks on tools and workflows for effectively carrying out research projects. The projects discussed in this Spring series range from the experience of a single researcher to a system intended to facilitate sharing across multiple institutions, and will focus on data collection, security, data standards, partnerships, and more, with plenty of time for discussion of specific problems, issues, and areas of interest.