Yale University Library News

Yale University Library Celebrates Preservation Week, April 27-May 3

In support of American Library Association’s Preservation Week, Yale Library's Chief Conservator, Christine McCarthy, will present “Preserving Your Personal Treasures” at the Howland Public Library on April 29th and at the Ferguson Library on May 1st. These lectures are free and open to the general public. The lecture content and more can also be found in a new YUL Preservation Department Library Subject Guide, “Preserving Your Personal Collections.” The guide links to online resources, materials available in the YUL collections, and offers strategies for scrapbooks, photographs, books, and documents typically found in personal, family, and community-based collections. http://guides.library.yale.edu/preservepersonalcollections

Memories and treasures should last a lifetime and be passed on to future generations. Preservation Week is designed to highlight this need. Sponsored by the ALA’s Association of Library Collections and Services and partner organizations, Preservation Week inspires actions to preserve personal, family and community collections of all kinds, as well as library, museum and archive collections. It raises awareness of the role libraries and other cultural institutions can play in providing ongoing preservation information. Local libraries, museums, and archives are asked to do one thing in their communities to celebrate Preservation Week, even if the action or activity is small. For more information, visit www.ala.org/preservationweek

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