The Irving S. Gilmore Music Library and the Yale School of Music are honored to welcome Professor Qian Ren Ping, Professor of Music Theory at Shanghai Conservatory and his colleagues to the Yale campus from 10-12th September, 2014. The highlight of the visit will be a lecture on September 11th at 10:00 am in the Sterling Memorial Library Lecture Hall, presented by Professor Qian on "The Art Song Compositions of Huang Tzu” and will include performances of some of his art songs. A reception in the adjacent Memorabilia Room will follow. There will also be an exhibition of his rare manuscripts and related materials that will honor his musical contributions as well as his time as a student of composition of western music here at Yale in 1928. He is attributed with being the first Chinese composer to write a large-scale orchestral work, his overture In Memoriam. The exhibit will be on view in the Gilmore Music Library. More details can be found at: //calendar.yale.edu/cal/library/month/20140920/All/CAL-2c9cb3cc-47d46f31-0147-d5620e6a-000008eebedework@yale.edu/">http://calendar.yale.edu/cal/library/month/20140920/All/CAL-2c9cb3cc-47d46f31-0147-d5620e6a-000008eebedework@yale.edu/