Yale University Library News

A Life in Books: The Rise and Fall of Bleu Mobley

November 30, 2016

December 9, 6:30 pm in the Yale University Art Gallery Auditorium (1111 Chapel St., New Haven. Please enter via York or High Streets as main 1111 Chapel St. entrance will not be open)


In celebration of the current exhibition at the Haas Family Arts Library and in collaboration with the "Odds and Ends Art Book Fair" at the Yale University Art Gallery, designer/author Warren Lehrer (MFA ’80) will present a multimedia performance/reading of his award-winning illuminated novel, "A Life In Books: The Rise and Fall of Bleu Mobley". In the funny and thought provoking performance, Lehrer presents an overview of his author-protagonist's life in books via many of Mobley's cover designs and other biographical materials including animations and video performances of book excerpts. The performance will take place in the Yale University Art Gallery lecture hall.

Please join us for a pre-performance reception at the Robert B Haas Family Library from 4:30-6:00pm where visitors can view Lehrer’s work in the exhibition. Enter via The Loria Center, 190 York Street. (Directly across York Street from the Yale University Art Gallery lecture hall entrance.)

This program is sponsored by the Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library, the Yale University Art Gallery, and The Yale University Library Bibliographical Press.