Yale University Library News

Recent Milestones in the Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies

January 25, 2017

The Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies has been recording testimonies of survivors, witnesses, and bystanders of the Holocaust since 1979, when the project started as a grassroots effort here in New Haven. It currently holds more than 4,500 testimonies, comprising more than 10,000 hours of videotape, recorded by Yale and more than 30 affiliates worldwide.

Recently, the archive completed a number of important milestones including the digitization of its collection, the development of a digital access system, and the launch of a partner site program that provides remote access to testimonies at universities and research institutes.

Please join us for a presentation on Wednesday, February 8 at 3:30 pm in the Sterling Memorial Library Lecture Hall by the archive's director, Stephen Naron, who will discuss the history and recent developments of the archive, and some new initiatives underway to encourage use of the collection.