Yale University Library News
February 2013 Archives
FEBRUARY 1, 2013
Ferenc Gyorgyey Research Travel Award, Harvey Cushing/John Hay Whitney Medical Library
The Historical Library of the Harvey Cushing/John Hay Whitney Medical Library at Yale University is pleased to announce its sixth annual Ferenc Gyorgyey Research Travel Award for use of the Historical Library.
The Medical Historical Library, located in New Haven, Connecticut, holds one of the country’s largest collections of rare medical books, journals, prints, photographs, and pamphlets. Special strengths are the works of Hippocrates, Galen, Vesalius, Boyle, Harvey, Culpeper, Haller, Priestley, and S. Weir Mitchell, and works on anesthesia, and smallpox inoculation and vaccination. The Library owns over fifty medieval and renaissance manuscripts, Arabic and Persian manuscripts, and over 300 medical incunabula. The notable Clements C. Fry Collection of Prints and Drawings has over 2,500 fine prints, drawings, and posters from the 15th century to the present on medical subjects. The library also holds a great collection of tobacco advertisements and a large group of materials from Harvey Cushing, one of the founding fathers of neurosurgery.
The 2013-2014 travel grant is available to historians, medical practitioners, and other researchers who wish to use the collections of the Medical Historical Library: http://historical.medicine.yale.edu/. There is a single award of up to $1,500 for one week of research during the academic fiscal year July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014. Funds may be used for transportation, housing, food, and photographic reproductions. The award is limited to residents of the United States and Canada. Applicants should send a curriculum vitae and a description of the project including the relevance of the collections of the Historical Library to the project, and two references attesting to the particular project. Preference will be given to applicants beyond commuting distance to the Historical Library. This award is for use of Medical Historical special collections and is not intended for primary use of special collections in other libraries at Yale. Applications are due by Sunday, APRIL 28th, 2013. They will be considered by a committee and the candidates will be informed by JUNE 3rd, 2013. An application form can be downloaded clicking the link, or go to our website: http://historical.medicine.yale.edu/us/grant
Applications and requests for further information should be sent to:
Melissa Grafe, Ph.D
John R. Bumstead Librarian for Medical History
Harvey Cushing/John Hay Whitney Medical Library
Yale University
P.O. Box 208014
New Haven, CT 06520-8014
Telephone: 203- 785-4354
Fax: 203-785-5636
E-mail: melissa.grafe@yale.edu
Additional information about the Library and its collections may be found at:http://historical.medicine.yale.edu/
Posted by Amanda Patrick on February 1, 2013 1:25 PM
FEBRUARY 15, 2013
New Directions for Digital Scholarship: The Spring Chapter
Friday March 1, 8:45 am–5:00 pm
Sterling Memorial Library Lecture Hall
In the humanities and the social sciences, technology is radically transforming scholarly practice. In light of these developments, scholars are posing new questions as technology continues to alter the horizons of research, knowledge dissemination, public engagement and teaching in unanticipated and sometimes disruptive ways. This forum will examine how scholarship and its supporting institutions might face the upcoming opportunities and challenges of an open, digital, and networked environment.
On Friday March 1, three world leaders in digital scholarship will explore the implications of computing and communications technology for the humanities and social sciences. Together with members of the university community, they will inaugurate a conversation on new directions for digital scholarship and the transformative and innovative role Yale might assume in this rapidly changing scholarly landscape. Yale University Librarian Susan Gibbons will introduce the forum and a number of digital scholarship projects from across the university will be featured.
Keynote Speakers include: David Germano, Associate Professor of Religious Studies and Director of SHANTI, University of Virginia; Ray Siemens, Canada Research Chair in Humanities Computing, University of Victoria; Claire Warwick, Professor of Digital Humanities, University College London.
Respondents include: Michael Dula, Chief Technology Officer, Yale University Library; Ken Panko, Manager of Digital Humanities and Instructional Technology, Yale University; Laura Wexler, Professor of American Studies & Women's, Gender, & Sexuality Studies, Yale University.
The forum is free and open to the public but registration is required. Even if you registered for the Fall Chapter (which was cancelled on account of Hurricane Sandy) please re-register at this link:http://digitalscholarship.commons.yale.edu/2012/10/14/register/
Posted by Amanda Patrick on February 15, 2013 3:12 PM
Yale Divinity Library's Collaboration with Hong Kong Baptist University
Tuesday, February 19, 2013 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Sterling Memorial Library International Room
Irene Wong is the director of Special Collections & Archives at Hong Kong Baptist University. Yale Divinity Library has developed a collaborative project with HKBU to preserve and provide access to Chinese-language Christian literature with funding from the Kenneth Scott Latourette Initiative for the Documentation of World Christianity. The first completed project was the digitization of periodicals from six Hong Kong denominations. Currently underway is the digitization of about 1,000 publications of the Chinese Christian Literature Council. Irene will be at Yale to help develop guidelines for future projects. Her presentation will describe the project to date and the plans for the future.
This event is sponsored by SCOPA and is free and open to the public.
Posted by Amanda Patrick on February 15, 2013 3:18 PM
Color Bound: Book Artists Seek Inspiration From Color Theory
Jae Rossman, Assistant Director for Special Collections, Haas Arts Library
Tuesday February 26, 2:00 pm
SML International Room
Jae Rossman will discuss her ongoing research project, which is presented in part in the current exhibition at the Haas Family Arts Library - Color Bound: Book Artists Seek Inspiration From Color Theory. Book artists have engaged color theory in a rigorous, yet not specifically scientific, manner. Rossman will address questions of how the discipline of color theory has influenced the makers of contemporary artists' books and livre d'artiste. How has the work of important color theorists been employed by book artists? How have more ephemeral, but equally important, color resources, such as paint chip catalogs, inspired works of art in the book form? How has research into color preference and visual phenomena been interpreted by artists? Rossman will identify the major trends and show examples that are part of the Faber Birren Collection of Books on Color at the Arts Library. For more information on the collection:http://www.library.yale.edu/arts/specialcollections/faberbirren/index.htm
Posted by Amanda Patrick on February 15, 2013 3:22 PM
FEBRUARY 21, 2013
“Essay on Slavery,” a poem by Jupiter Hammon in Manuscripts and Archives receives scholarly recognition
“Essay on Slavery,” a manuscript poem in the Hillhouse Family Papers in Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library, written in 1786 by Jupiter Hammon, a slave, has received scholarly recognition by Professor Cedrick May of the University of Texas, Arlington. Presented by the Americanist Colloquium and the African-American Studies Department at Yale on February 21, Professor May discussed his literary and biographical findings on Hammon, the first African American to publish literary works in America. Hammon identified himself in the manuscript as “A Negro Man belonging to Mr. John Lloyd, Queens Village on Long Island. November 10, 1786.” Sarah Lloyd, John Lloyd’s daughter, was the first wife of James Hillhouse (1754-1832), an early abolitionist and developer of New Haven and Yale, who as a U.S. senator worked to abolish the slave trade in 1807 and to prohibit slavery in the Louisiana Territory. Professor May is working on a new edition of Hammon’s poetry and prose. The research by May and his student Julie McCown at Yale is the focus of an article to be published in the June 2013 edition of the journal Early American Literature along with the full text of Hammon’s “An Essay on Slavery." Anyone wanting to view the manuscript in full may do so by contacting Manuscripts and Archives at (203) 432-1744.
Posted by Amanda Patrick on February 21, 2013 4:43 PM
FEBRUARY 26, 2013
Yale Library provides access to Marquis Biographies Online
The Yale Library is delighted to announce access to Marquis Biographies Online, a database of biographical profiles from all Marquis Who’s Who publications from 1985 to the present. Examples of these publications include Who’s Who in Asia, Who’s Who in Medicine and Healthcare, Who’s Who in Finance and Business, and Who’s Who in Religion. Who’s Who in American History, is a collection of digitized biographies fromWho Was Who in America covering the years, 1607-1985. For more information:http://search.marquiswhoswho.com/help/about-database
Posted by Amanda Patrick on February 26, 2013 2:20 PM
FEBRUARY 28, 2013
The 2011-2012 Annual Report of the University Librarian is now online
Each year the Yale University Library produces a compelling report of its activities during the previous fiscal year. Click http://www.library.yale.edu/notabene/to read more about some of the most important projects the Library was engaged in during 2011-2012.
Posted by Amanda Patrick on February 28, 2013 3:39 PM