Yale University Library News
November 2013 Archives
November 5, 2013
Verdi and His Singers
The Gilmore Music Library is celebrating the 200th anniversary of the birth of Giuseppe Verdi with Verdi and His Singers, an exhibit now on view in the Music Library. It features five items in Verdi’s hand: a quotation from Otello and four letters. It also includes a caricature of Verdi by Enrico Caruso, a Verdi score annotated by Robert Shaw, several photographs, and a variety of other materials. Many of the materials are associated with Victor Maurel, a baritone who sang major roles in the premieres of Otello and Falstaff. The exhibit will be on view until the end of February, during the opening hours of SML.
Posted by Amanda Patrick on November 5, 2013 1:33 PM
November 6, 2013
Feast & Famine: The Feeding Habits of Black Holes in the Universe
In this talk, sponsored by the Center for Science & Social Science Information, Astronomy and Physics Professor Priya Natarajan will present the status of our current understanding of the formation and growth of black holes in the universe. The wealth of current observational data from our own galactic backyard and beyond offers new tantalizing insights into how these most enigmatic objects in the universe are born, feed, and evolve in the universe.
November 13th, 4pm, 24/7 Room at CSSSI, 219 Prospect
PRIYA NATARAJAN is a professor in the departments of Astronomy and Physics at Yale University and received her education at M.I.T. and the University of Cambridge where she was the first woman in Astrophysics to be elected a fellow of Trinity College. She currently holds a Sophie and Tycho Brahe Visiting Professorship at the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen and was elected honorary professor for life at the University of Delhi in India. She has been the recipient of many awards and prizes including the Guggenheim and a Radcliffe fellowship for her work.
Posted by Amanda Patrick on November 6, 2013 10:51 AM
November 11, 2013
Spring 2014 Course Reserves
The Spring 2014 Course Reserves season is almost upon us! Please note that all Course Reserves requests should be submitted through the new system via Classes*v2.
When you receive email notification that your Classes*v2 site is live for your Spring 2014 courses, you will be able to activate your Course Reserves list and submit your reserves requests (as well as re-use materials from previously taught classes).
For more information about the new Course Reserves system, including policies and procedures, please visit the following LibGuide: http://guides.library.yale.edu/reserves
Posted by Amanda Patrick on November 11, 2013 9:30 AM
November 12, 2013
Trial access now available to the Alexander Street Press resource 'Asian Film Online'
Asian Film Online is an online streaming video collection of nearly 600 narrative feature films, documentaries, and shorts. With Asian voices addressing Asian issues, and through works selected by Asian film experts, the collection offers highly relevant perspectives and insights. Its themes—such as modernity, globalization, national identity, female agency, inequalities in opportunity amid social and political unrest, and cultural and sexual identity—are central to any meaningful discussion of Asian culture.
Inside the resource, you’ll find films from Iran, Lebanon, and Iraq, however the majority of the films included are from East and South Asia. To access the resource: http://search.alexanderstreet.com/asiv
Posted by Amanda Patrick on November 12, 2013 11:57 AM
November 14, 2013
Books of Secrets: Alchemy, Medicine and Magic - Opening Reception
Beginning on November 18, the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library will host a student exhibit entitled “Books of Secrets: Alchemy, Medicine, and Magic.” An opening reception will be held from 6:00-7:30pm on Monday 18th November.
The exhibit will be the midterm assignment of Professor Paola Bertucci’s undergraduate seminar: Spies, Secrets, and Science (HSHM 459a/HIST 159Ja/HUMS 317a). Books of secrets were cheap publications that divulged medicinal, alchemical, artisanal, and other kinds of “secrets” of nature and the arts. Mostly compilations of recipes or how-to manuals, they met with extraordinary success beginning in the sixteenth century, being translated into several languages and reprinted in various editions up until the nineteenth century. Whether real or imaginary, their authors achieved a remarkable level of authority among the reading public. The legendary “Isabella Cortese” and “Alessio Piemontese” had a lot to reveal about nature and its hidden ways of operating, just as their better known near contemporaries Francis Bacon and René Descartes. The exhibit will display a selection of books of secrets from the Medical History Library and will be on view until January 17.
Posted by Amanda Patrick on November 14, 2013 10:40 AM
November 15, 2013
The Financial Times: A campus-wide subscription starts today!
Yale University now has a subscription to the Financial Times online (FT.com), a British, English-language daily newspaper featuring international business & economic news. Current faculty, students and staff can sign up for unlimited access to FT.com articles and tools. To sign up on-campus: go to FT.com and follow the instructions to sign up. To sign up off-campus: go to the Yale University registration page:
https://registration.ft.com/corporate/signup/ndCCCETpGHj3J. You must use your yale.edu email address as your login.
Tools and Mobile Apps: Newslines is a tool that allows students and professors to interact regarding important topics and news of the day on FT.com. FT apps are available for iPads, iPhones, Androids, at no additional cost at: apps.ft.com.
Please contact Gwyneth.Crowley@Yale.edu for further details.
For technical assistance, email education.support@ft.com or call (877) 886-5745. If you have a paid FT.com subscription, and would like to switch to the university’s subscription, contact help@ft.com to be reimbursed for the remainder of your subscription. For questions about FT.com content or tools, including Newslines, please email b2bproductconsultants@ft.com.
Note: In adherence to Yale's contract, each account is to be used by a single individual. Do not share logins. Emailing of articles or otherwise sharing of content from FT.com is limited.
Posted by Amanda Patrick on November 15, 2013 12:07 PM
Yale’s Center for Conservation and Preservation: Scientific Facilities in the Service of Collections
Thursday November 21, 3:30pm
Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library Rooms 38/39
All are invited to the annual lecture hosted by the Preservation Department of the Yale University Library. The speaker is Aniko Bezur, Director of Scientific Research at Yale's Center for Conservation and Preservation. The event is sponsored by Jack '47 and Betsy O'Neill.
The first phase of realizing Yale’s Center for Conservation and Preservation was completed in Spring 2013 with the construction of its scientific research laboratories. This talk will introduce the scientific staff and facilities of the CCAP, showcase ongoing projects, and explore plans for harnessing the Center’s unique setting and academic context.
Aniko Bezur is director of scientific research at the Yale Center for Conservation and Preservation. She has a PhD in materials science and engineering from the University of Arizona. Prior to her current position, she was the Andrew W. Mellon research scientist for the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, and the Menil Collection (2008-2012); worked at the Art Institute of Chicago as associate conservation scientist; and served as a lecturer and assistant professor of conservation science in the Art Conservation Department at Buffalo State College.
A reception with refreshments will follow the lecture. All are welcome. For more information: roberta.pilette@yale.edu
Posted by Amanda Patrick on November 15, 2013 1:29 PM
November 21, 2013
Yale University Library Debuts EliScholar: A Repository Showcasing Yale Scholarship
Last summer saw the soft launch of EliScholar, Yale University Library's institutional repository. The purpose of an institutional repository is to freely display and archive faculty and student research in a variety of formats. The creation of EliScholar is important in that it supports the University's mission "to create, preserve and disseminate knowledge". Highlighting faculty publications, student research, conference proceedings, monographs, and open access journals is just one component of EliScholar. Anyone in the world can freely access materials that are created by Yale departments, schools, centers or institutes and are hosted in EliScholar. The institutional repository makes content more visible and highly discoverable by search engines such as Google and Google Scholar which is beneficial for professors and graduate students. It also provides researchers with an easy way to keep up with Yale scholarship.
To read more: http://guides.library.yale.edu/content.php?pid=344338&sid=3183607#16261681
Posted by Amanda Patrick on November 21, 2013 10:02 AM
Digitizing World Christianity at the Yale Divinity School Library
The Divinity Library is engaged in four grant-funded projects to digitize portions of its Day Missions Collection. The Day Missions Collection, founded by Yale professor George Edward Day in 1891, consists of books, periodicals, pamphlets, reports, photographs, and archival collections that document the missionary movement and world Christianity. Largest of the current initiatives is an NEH-funded effort to digitize 350,000 pages of annual reports and periodicals from the collection. This project, which continues work begun in 2010 with Arcadia funds, is among the collections currently being ingested via Ladybird into the new Yale University Library Digital Collections repository.
Read more at: http://guides.library.yale.edu/content.php?pid=344338&sid=3183607#16261489
Posted by Amanda Patrick on November 21, 2013 10:04 AM
November 22, 2013
New Self-Serve Hold Shelf in the Periodical Reading Room
As part of Sterling Memorial Library’s nave restoration project and planned service enhancements, patrons may collect requested library materials from the new self-serve hold shelf, located in the Franke Periodical Reading Room, starting Monday, November 25th. Faculty, staff and students are also invited to fill out a short survey (https://yalesurvey.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_77EaLjGfwVUIERL or paper versions will be provided at the location) to provide feedback about their user experience. Library staff will be available for assistance in locating materials, and the Bass Library will continue to operate as a full service hold shelf. For more information, please contact Laura Sider at: laura.sider@yale.edu
Posted by Amanda Patrick on November 22, 2013 4:13 PM
November 25, 2013
Roses and Lilies: Digital Adventures in Intertextuality
Presented by Neil Coffee, Associate Professor of Classics and Chair of the Classics Department at the University of Buffalo.
Thursday, December 5, 2013 2:00 PM
SML International Room
Allusion is form of meaning making that kindles the pleasure of recognition and conjures up a chain of associations. Already in antiquity, literary authors employed allusion to enrich their works. In response, scholars of ancient Alexandria undertook to investigate the nature and effects of allusion, initiating a line of inquiry that continues to this day. Changing technologies have aided these investigations, from the creation of the Alexandrian library itself, where texts could be gathered and compared, to the digital searching of the modern era. As new techniques have extended our grasp of allusions, the concept has itself expanded, into the broader notion of intertextuality, and onward to the notion of “text reuse” favored in current digital work, which at its furthest limits encompasses nearly every mark and utterance.
We have now reached a further stage in our understanding. Long a passive responder to queries, the computer is becoming an active partner that can bring potential allusions to the reader for analysis. This presentation demonstrates one such effort to put the computer to work, the free Tesserae web tool (http://tesserae.caset.buffalo.edu/). We will begin by exploring how to use the various search features available on the site. We will then consider how the Tesserae search algorithm constitutes an attempt to model the reader’s process of recognizing an allusion. The final section of the presentation demonstrates how the Tesserae site can be used to trace intertexts over time across multiple authors. In the Aeneid, composed in the first century BCE, Vergil compared the blush of the maiden Lavinia to a bouquet of roses and lilies. In so doing, he gave life to a phrase that would have a long legacy in Latin literature, one among many that Tesserae can automatically detect. Using Tesserae results, we will follow this phrase over its life-cycle, watching it accumulate and shed associations down to its appearance in Psychomachia of Prudentius in the late 4th - early 5th century CE.
The Tesserae Project (http://tesserae.caset.buffalo.edu) aims to provide a flexible and robust web interface for exploring intertextual parallels. It is a collaborative project of the University at Buffalo's Department of Classics and Department of Linguistics, and the VAST Lab of the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs.
This event is sponsored by SCOPA.
Posted by Amanda Patrick on November 25, 2013 10:52 AM