The Bass Glass Project is now accepting applications for spring 2015 term projects using Google Glass. Two sets of "Bass Glass" devices are being offered by means of a call for proposal. The application and more information about the project can be accessed on the Bass Glass web page. The application is open to Yale faculty, staff, and students with a valid Yale Net ID. Applicants will be asked to choose a specific time duration (short-term or long-term) to use the device, and will be asked to include a description on how the device will be used. The Bass Glass Project committee will convene shortly after the proposal deadline to make its decisions and notify the selected recipients. The deadline for spring project proposals is January 5, 2015. To help generate ideas, here is a list of several creative use cases for how Google Glasses have been implemented by Explorers including an education innovation infographic. If you have any questions, please contact the Bass Glass Project at: Good luck and glass on!