Wednesday, January 28, 2:00pm
Peter Hirtle, Harvard University
Sterling Memorial Library Lecture Hall P
eter Hirtle is a Research Fellow in the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University. He also serves as the senior policy advisor in the Cornell University Library with a special mandate to address intellectual property issues. Previously at Cornell, Hirtle served as Director of the Cornell Institute for Digital Collections and as the Associate Editor of D-Lib Magazine. He is an archivist by training with an MA in History from Johns Hopkins and an MLS with a concentration in archival science from the University of Maryland. Hirtle is a Fellow and Past President of the Society of American Archivists and is a member of its Working Group on Intellectual Property. He was a member of the Commission on Preservation and Access/Research Library Group’s Task Force on Digital Archiving and the Copyright Office’s Section 108 Study Group, and is a contributing author to the blog.
All are welcome to attend this talk sponsored by SCOPA.