In early June, the Irving S. Gilmore Music Library, located in Sterling Memorial Library, embarked on a renovation project that will continue through mid-December 2016.
The renovation is happening in tandem with building the new location for the Center for Teaching and Learning, who share the neighboring space. Once complete, the principal entrance for both the Music Library and the Center for Teaching and Learning will be via the York Street side of Sterling Memorial Library, though access will also be available through the nave.
The highlights of the renovation include a new circulation desk, new staff offices, improved shelving for the Recordings Collection, a new location for self-service photocopying and scanning, and two new technology-focused seminar rooms. A glass wall will provide an imposing new entrance, and the space will be further enhanced with exhibit cases and large digital displays in the corridor outside of the Music Library entrance. Services will continue as normal throughout the renovation; more information can be found on the Music Library’s website.