October 2016 Archives

October 18, 2016

Curating the Cultural Revolution: The Rent Collection Courtyard Then and Now

When: Friday, October 28, 2016 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Where: Sterling Memorial Library, Room 218

Speaker: Denise Ho, Assistant Professor, History Department

Description: During this year’s fiftieth anniversary of China’s Cultural Revolution, many have invoked the writer Ba Jin’s call for a Cultural Revolution Museum.  Why has there been so little commemoration—state and otherwise—of one of the most important periods of China’s twentieth century?  This talk explores the history of the Rent Collection Courtyard, an exhibition that was displayed short before and during the Cultural Revolution and that became one of the Mao period’s most iconic “model works."  To this day, the Rent Collection Courtyard is on display in China, even though it is presented as art rather than propaganda.  Denise Ho, assistant professor of history, will examine the practice of exhibiting class in the 1960s, the role of display in the Cultural Revolution, and the legacy of the Rent Collection Courtyard in contemporary China.  Professor Denise Ho is an historian of modern China, with a particular focus on the social and cultural history of China during the Mao period (1949-1976).  Her research on the museums and exhibitions of the Mao era—taking Shanghai as a case study—examines the relationship between exhibitionary culture and political campaigns.  Her first book, Curating Revolution: Politics on Display in Mao’s China, is under contract with Cambridge University Press.  All are welcome. Light lunch will be provided.

Post on October 18, 2016 - 5:24pm |

October 18, 2016

Lucky Dandelion: Reflections from the Educated Youth Generation on the “Up to the Mountains and Down to the Countryside” Movement (1968-1980)  幸运的蒲公英——中国文革五十周年祭暨知青上山下乡运动座谈会

When: Monday, October 31, 2016 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

Where: Sterling Memorial Library, Room 218

Speaker: Wei Su (East Asian Languages and Literatures), Charles Lu (Yale School of Medicine) and Ping Zhang (Yale School of Medicine)

Description: 2016 marks the 50th anniversary of the outbreak of the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) in China. One of major events during the Cultural Revolution was a nationwide “Up to the Mountains and Down to the Countryside 上山下乡” movement (1968-1980), which “sent down” 17 million educated youth to live and work in rural villages and frontier settlements. In this talk, three members of the educated youth generation at Yale, Wei Su (East Asian Languages and Literatures), Charles Lu (Yale School of Medicine) and Ping Zhang (Yale School of Medicine) will share with the audience their “sent-down” experiences and reflections on the movement and Cultural Revolution.  All are welcome. Light lunch will be provided.

Post on October 18, 2016 - 5:19pm |

October 18, 2016

Systems of Writing Things Down: A Book Talk on Writing Technology in Meiji Japan

When: Wednesday, November 2, 2016 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

Where: Sterling Memorial Library (SML), International Room (SML 177)

Speaker: Seth Jacobowitz, Assistant Professor Department of East Asian Languages & Literatures, Yale University

Description: Prof. Jacobowitz will discuss his recent publication, Writing Technology in Meiji Japan: A Media History of Modern Japanese Literature and Visual Culture. The book boldly rethinks the origins of modern Japanese language, literature, and visual culture from the perspective of media history. Drawing upon methodological insights by Friedrich Kittler and extensive archival research, it investigates a range of epistemic transformations in the Meiji era (1868-1912) from the rise of communication networks such as telegraph and post to debates over national language and script reform. It documents the changing discursive practices and conceptual constellations that reshaped the verbal, visual and literary regimes from the Tokugawa era. This culminates in the discovery of a new vernacular literary style from the shorthand transcriptions of theatrical storytelling (rakugo) that was subsequently championed by major writers such as Masaoka Shiki and Natsume Sōseki as the basis for a new mode of transparently objective, “transcriptive” realism. The birth of modern Japanese literature is thus located not only in shorthand alone, but within the emergent, multi-media channels that were arriving from the West.

This book represents the first systematic study of the ways in which media and inscriptive technologies available in Japan at its threshold of modernization in the late 19th to early 20th century shaped and brought into being modern Japanese literature.

Post on October 18, 2016 - 5:03pm |

October 28, 2016

Intro to Data Visualization and Tableau

October 28 at 1:30pm-3:30pm in Kline Biology Tower, C27 (Computer classroom in the Center for Science and Social Science Information)

This workshop will familiarize you with key issues in data visualization. In addition to covering the fundamental principles behind effective visualizations, we will also touch on common pitfalls that result in confusing or misleading graphics. During the workshop, participants will gain hands-on experience using Tableau — interactive, data visualization software — to produce dynamic, compelling visualizations for all kinds of data.

Space is limited for the workshop; to register, please visit the YUL Instruction Calendar. Lab computers and sample data will be available for use.

All students, faculty, and staff are welcome to register!


About the instructors:

Catherine DeRose - Engagement and Outreach Manager in the Digital Humanities Lab

Joshua Dull - Research Data Support Specialist in the Center for Science and Social Science Information

Sarah Tudesco - Assessment Librarian for Program Development and Research

Post on October 18, 2016 - 10:00am |

October 25, 2016

Intro to Git

October 25 at 2:00pm-4:00pm in Bass Library, L06

Learn how to use Git at the DHLab's next Coffee and Code! During the workshop, DH Developer Douglas Duhaime will cover the fundamentals of Git — a free, open source version control system. Participants will learn how to create repositories and branches, manage pull requests, and commit changes.

Git provides a robust system for collaborating with team members and finding existing code that you might adopt and adapt for your own projects.

Space for the workshop is limited; to register, please visit the YUL Instruction Calendar. Lab computers will be available for use, but participants are welcome to bring their own laptops.

Coffee and Code workshops are open to all Yale students, faculty, and staff!

Post on October 18, 2016 - 9:10am |

October 21, 2016

Each semester, the Digital Humanities Lab appoints one or more Digital Humanities Fellows to assist with courses that have a strong digital humanities component. These positions provide semester-long support for graduate students to engage with DH methods and theories in a classroom setting. DHLab staff will work with fellows to design DH assignments, arrange access to electronic content, and provide specialized technical training. Visit the DH Fellows page to learn about our current recipients and their courses!

For more information and to apply, please visit our DH Fellows Application page!

Post on October 17, 2016 - 2:23pm |

October 17, 2016

In support of international Open Access Week, Yale University Library is hosting a series of workshops and events from October 24-30 that will bring greater awareness of open access issues and trends to our community. Yale Library supports the wide dissemination of scholarly work produced by members of the Yale community and supports open access in a broad sense. The Library funds select open access publications and initiatives that increase the availability of scholarly research materials to the global community and encourage new cost models as alternatives to current subscription models that restrict access to scholarship. Learn more about what Yale University Library is doing in support of open access by reading our guide here.

Open Access Images for Arts & Humanities
Monday, October 24, 2016 12:00 pm, Robert B. Haas Family Library.

Do you use images of art in your scholarship or artistic practice? This workshop will provide an overview of using open access images for Arts & Humanities and will also highlight different approaches taken by museums and cultural heritage institutions in making their images available. The speaker is Danielle Reay, Digital and Access Services Librarian, at the Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library.

Open Access Publishing: Know Your Rights as an Author
Tuesday, October 25, 2016 12:00 pm, Bass Library LO1 A&B.

Do you think that by publishing open access you lose all rights and control over your work? Come to this short session and learn more about your licensing options! The talk will be given by Nathan Rupp, Head of Collection Development & Management, at the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library.

Open Access Image Basics for Scientists and Social Scientists
Wednesday, October 26, 2016 12:15-12:45 pm, 17 Hillhouse Avenue Classroom 07.

As a scientist, you often need to use images. How can you identify which images are freely available for reuse? What should you look for? In this workshop, we will discuss where you can find open access images and how to determine rights. Talk will be given by Kayleigh Bohemier, Science Research Support Librarian. To register, email kayleigh.bohemier@yale.edu.

Choosing an Open Access Journal for Publication of Your Paper
Thursday, October 27, 2016 12:00-12:30 pm, Center for Science and Social Science Information, C27.

In this workshop, Lori Bronars, Life Sciences Librarian and Carla Heister, Forestry and Environmental Studies Librarian, will review library resources (databases, directories, and websites) used when deciding where to submit a paper. This workshop focuses on resources for science and social science fields. To register, email Lori Bronars at lori.bronars@yale.edu or Carla Heister at carla.heister@yale.edu.

Perspectives on Open Access at Yale
Thursday, October 27, 2016 3:30-5:00 pm, Sterling Memorial Library International Room

Join us for a discussion on open access initiatives at Yale with a panel of speakers which include: Susan Gibbons, University Librarian and Deputy Provost for Collections & Scholarly Communication; Matthew Hargraves, Yale Center for British Art’s Chief Curator of Art Collections & Head of Collections Information; Thomas Raich, Director of Information Technology, Yale University Art Gallery; and Michael Lotstein, Head of University Archives. The panel will be moderated by Joan Emmet, Yale’s License and Copyright Librarian.

Post on October 17, 2016 - 3:51pm |

October 13, 2016

Rent Collection Courtyard 收租院

The East Asia Library is pleased to announce that a NEW exhibit entitled “From Propaganda Mobilization to Youth Demobilization: Selected Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) Sources in the Yale University Library” has just been set up in the East Asian Reading Room (2nd floor of the Sterling Memorial Library). This exhibit is organized to mark the 50th anniversary of the outbreak of the Cultural Revolution in China. It features selected historical sources and research works in the Yale University Library to showcase propaganda mobilization and youth demobilization during the Cultural Revolution period, namely the Rent Collection Courtyard 收租院, a revolutionary sculpture series which was first collectively produced by artists in Sichuan 四川 province in 1965 and illustrated the landlord-peasant relationship in the “old society,” and educated youth 知青, a group of urban youth who were “sent down” to live and work in rural and frontier areas as part of the nationwide “Up to the Mountains and Down to the Countryside 上山下乡” movement (1968-1980).  We would like to extend our sincerest thanks and appreciation to Professor Denise Y. Ho from the History Department for generously advising and lending items for this exhibition.

In association with the exhibit, we will host the following two talks related to the Cultural Revolution in Room 218 of the Sterling Memorial Library in late October. Light lunch will be provided.

  1. Professor Denise Y. Ho (History Department), ““Curating the Cultural Revolution: The Rent Collection Courtyard Then and Now. ” (October 28, 12:00 pm-1:00 pm)
  2. Wei Su (EALL), Charles Lu (School of Medicine) and Ping Zhang (School of Medicine), Lucky Dandelion: Reflections from the Educated Youth Generation on the “Up to the Mountains and Down to the Countryside” Movement (1968-1980) 幸运的蒲公英——中国文革五十周年祭暨知青上山下乡运动座谈会 (October 31, 12:30 pm-2:00 pm) -- This talk will be in both Chinese and English.

We hope you will enjoy the new exhibit in the East Asian Reading Room, and look forward to seeing many of you at the upcoming talks.

Post on October 13, 2016 - 5:28pm |

November 4, 2016

The Digital Humanities Lab is excited to announce a new round of Seed Grants to support digital humanities research over the spring semester. These grants may be used to hire a developer, create a digital corpus, or host a workshop.

Yale graduate students and faculty are eligible to apply. Applications should be emailed to dhlab@yale.edu by Friday, November 4.

Post on October 11, 2016 - 10:07am |

October 3, 2016

Every year, exhibits in the Sterling Memorial Library Exhibits Corridor highlight the research of exceptional Yale students. The selected students’ projects make use of library resources in remarkable and compelling ways.

Rebecca Straub, a graduate student in the Department of the History of Art, researches a less-familiar facet of a well-known Yale figure: Harvey Cushing (1869-1939), groundbreaking neurosurgeon, Yale professor, and a driving force behind the establishment of the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library.  Throughout his life, Cushing was an avid scrapbooker, often relying on scrapbooks to preserve and organize information.  Straub explores Cushing’s fastidious documentation of his personal and professional life and examines how his scrapbooks informed his published materials. 

María de las Mercedes Martínez (Trumbull College ‘16), an Archaeological Studies major, demonstrates how advances in virtual archaeology can create three-dimensional representations of ruined sites.  Her display in the Exhibition Corridor focuses on three major monuments in Palmyra, Syria, which were recently destroyed by the Islamic State.  Martinez seeks to explore how technology can help preserve cultural heritage by virtually replicating structures that have experienced deterioration or destruction as a result of conflicts and disasters, natural or otherwise. Throughout her research process, Martinez has made extensive use of  physical artifacts and archaeological books and periodicals available through the Yale Babylonian Collection.

Camille Owens, a graduate student in African American Studies, pieces together the biography of “Bright” Oscar Moore, a black child prodigy who toured and performed in the United States during the late 19th century.  After discovering a cabinet card photograph in the Randolph Linsly Simpson African-American Collection at the Beinecke Library, Owens sought to learn more about Moore’s life and career.  Her research has become a fascinating interdisciplinary project that addresses race, disability, prodigy, and memory.

The research of Helen Price (Davenport College ‘18) focuses on the early years of coeducation within Yale College.  Price developed her display from research conducted for Professor Jay Gitlin’s course Yale and America, taught through the Department of History.  Her research addresses the specific issues that arose in the areas of academics, housing, and athletics, and also highlights the achievements of several extraordinary female students who attended and graduated from Yale during the initial years of coeducation.

As in previous exhibitions, Student Research at Yale University Library emphasizes the extensiveness of the library’s resources, as well as the diversity and extraordinary creativity of Yale’s student researchers. Students regularly find ingenious and imaginative ways to use the library’s collections, and this exhibition series gives remarkable young researchers the opportunity to share excerpts of their research with the community.

Post on October 3, 2016 - 2:32pm |
